the longest night
Woo Won-jae portrayed by © Caterina Romaniello 2020
Woo Won-jae, Caterina Romaniello, portrait, drawing, digital drawing, Black out
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the longest night

© 2022
We just gotta make it home before the goblins take the night“, Made in Heights sang in their beautiful track Wildflowers.
For the drawing of this pensive lil snow witch I was inspired by the symbols and myths of Yule, the Wiccan celebration of the winter solstice (around December 21 in the Northern hemisphere).
In Neopagan traditions this is the shortest day, and the longest night of the year.
It seems that on this date the darkness reaches its deepest peak, right before the return of the light and the gradual lengthening of daylight hours.

During this coldest and darkest time you might get lost in ancient fears. Or rather, you might choose to acknowledge inner and nature’s cyclic changes, and promises of new beginnings.

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